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We Are An ASP

A company who hosts, manages, and delivers their application via the Web is often referred to as an ASP (Application Service Provider), The ASP model is in contrast to the traditional you-buy-it, you-run-it model.

Miracom has designed its application for Web-delivery. We host the data and manage the application ourselves. Our technology and equipment is housed in colo facilities that guarantee 100 percent up-time. By employing the ASP model for solution delivery, Miracom provides its clients with access to an application solution without their needing to build and maintain a technology infrastructure.

Our clients get the most sophisticated technology solution available without ever having to invest in databases and web servers, network tools, technical personnel, or any other IT expenditure. It is an easy entry model with little financial exposure.

Once you know where the print devices are located and you get the meter read, then what? How do you truly become strategic? One answer is to… click here for the answer!‏

General ASP Info (PDF 32k)

An Expensive Secret (PDF 40k)‏


How are we different? Most of our competitors have server or client-server based solutions. Their software sits on your customer’s workstations or on their print server. Our solution provides you with a less invasive and viable alternative for security-centric companies who understand that since we don’t touch their print server or print content in any way, we quickly meet compliance requirements associated with HIPAA, Sarbanes-Oxley, FIPS, and other security protocols.

Click here to understand the secret that many of our competitors don’t want you to know about installing and supporting their solutions, and click here to understand why we think USB Key products are a nifty gimmick that could get you into trouble.

Click here to understand your response to a prospect who asks you about Miracom and security.

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