The Name Says It All!
The name Miracom comes from two distinct words representing mutually exclusive activities that, when brought together, create a significant value, commitment, and obligation apparent in their union, and the business goals they represent.
Mira is a Spanish word that means “to look into,” and com is short for “communication,” Together they form a word that represents the remote, non-invasive form of communication that is a fundamental characteristic of Miracom Network’s information management products.
Network is indicative of the communication path that printers and print administrators must access in today’s environment in order to drive efficiencies into print management.
What better name could there be than Miracom Network for a company that provides remote access information management software that is non-invasive to an IT department?
The most thorough communication and quality standards possible, not only describes our products and services, it describes the kind of service and support Miracom Network™ is committed to providing to you as well. We will continuously explore your needs and business requirements, and deliver to you the very tools you need to improve your business and service offerings.
We are the technology and service solution that will make your business processes easier, more efficient, and more cost effective. We enable you to “look into” the heart of your company and the print environments you manage!