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About Us

Eddie Lederer — Chief Executive Officer

Edward (“Eddie”) Lederer graduated from Mercy College School of Business in 1979 with a 3.925 GPA and a BBA degree in Accounting and Business Finance. Earlier in his career he was a consultant for an independent insurance agency representing United Fidelity Life Insurance Company in Miami, Florida; Partner with a CPA firm in Aspen, Colorado; and later held the position of CEO with East Coast Foods. Since 1986 Mr. Lederer has been President and Chief Executive Officer of Compunet Business Systems Inc., a management consulting company to the print industry. In January 2000, Mr. Lederer formed MiraPrint Services, to provide cost per page print management services. Miracom Network’s market offerings evolved from MiraPrint and Compunet market solutions, and Mr. Lederer’s 19 years of industry experience.


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